Saturday 18 December 2010

Paypal Passwords

Paypal are experiencing some random technical difficulties supplying Passwords for some of our new subscribers.

The problem seems to be relating to how the password appears in the notification email you receive from them when you subscribe.

In some cases this password appears in an encrypted form that won't work when new subscribers attempt to login to download our software. As we said earlier this appears to be a random issue and by no means affects all new subscribers.

The password should appear as an actual word or phrase i.e silly-haircut  NOT as random text
i.e. MEoefeSYTucUc

If as a new subscriber you do experience this problem, please contact us via the contact form on our website and we will be able to help to you get signed up successfully. We would also like to see the email with the incorrect password sent to you by Paypal to hopefully get this problem resolved quickly.